Harry Hoffmann
September 29, 2021
Do you see yourself as left-handed or right-handed?
I have a strong left hand for fine motor skills, but I also use my right hand a lot for all kinds of things; I write and draw with my left hand.
Did you play your instrument "left-handed" from the start?
Yes, but the reason was that I was self-taught and there were enough role models in the rock and pop music of that time. A teacher at that time - i.e. in the 70s - would certainly have tried to change me to right-handed playing.
Did you face any reservations about this?
No, there have never been any reservations.
How did you come by your instruments?
I always had my lutes made for me personally, but that actually had nothing to do with left-handedness, but was the usual practice among professional players.
I always "adjusted" my (modern) guitars to left-handedness myself, but I didn't use them in concerts, only for teaching purposes. By the way, my right-handed students had no problems with my left-handedness (which surprised me!).
Were you able to try out a lute at all before you had your own built? Most lute types are very asymmetrical and can't simply be restrung for left-handed playing. - Or is that at least possible for renaissance lutes?
When I had my first lute built, I borrowed a 6-course renaissance lute from the London Early Music Shop (with plastic body!, but spruce top), which could actually be restrung to the left - of course, this is not possible with "real" lutes (including renaissance lutes).
What are your experiences with playing left-handed in orchestras and ensembles?
I never had any problems.
What strange or funny experiences did you have with your lefty playing style?
With two theorbos - left and right - you have the beautiful "V-effect" of the two lute necks, which always causes amusement among colleagues and the audience.
Do you see any advantages in playing 'the other way around'?
I couldn't imagine anything else!