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Maria Holzeis-Augustin
Linksspielende Flötistin, Querflöte mit links, Linksflöte, Linkshänderflöte
Making music in different directions
If you've ever shoveled snow, you know that when one hand is down and the other is up, the shovel sits comfortably in your hand and you can easily clear even fluffy snow out of the way. If you switch hands, letting one hand be up and the other down, the shovel feels wobbly and you have some trouble shoveling the snow away.
Now you can go over and practice on the wobbly side until you can hold the shovel more securely, or you can just shovel the snow away with the stable side.
It's the same with playing an instrument.

Maria Holzeis-Augustin teaches right- and left-handed playing students.
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